Our Vision

"The Gospel Multiplication Network exists to ignite a global movement of discipleship, church planting, and leadership development, driven by the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to equipping and empowering believers to multiply the Gospel in every nation, tribe, and community, fostering a vibrant and sustainable network of churches that embody Christ's love, truth, and mission. Our vision is to see the world saturated with the Gospel through the multiplication of disciples who make disciples, leaders who raise leaders, and churches that plant churches, until every person has the opportunity to experience the life-changing message of Jesus Christ."

The Gospel Multiplication Network (GMN) is focused on expanding the reach and impact of the Church of God by multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches globally. Here are some of the key goals of the GMN:

  1. Church Planting: One of the primary goals of the GMN is to plant new churches in various regions, particularly in areas where there is little or no presence of the Church of God. This includes both domestic and international church planting initiatives.

  2. Leadership Development: GMN aims to equip and empower pastors, church planters, and leaders with the necessary tools, training, and resources to effectively lead new congregations and to multiply disciples within their communities.

  3. Discipleship Multiplication: The network is committed to fostering a culture of discipleship that encourages believers to not only grow in their faith but also to disciple others, leading to exponential growth in the number of followers of Christ.

  4. Resource Provision: GMN provides resources, such as training materials, financial support, and mentoring, to assist church planters and leaders in their ministry efforts, ensuring they have the support needed to succeed.

  5. Networking and Collaboration: The network seeks to create a strong community of church planters, leaders, and churches who can collaborate, share best practices, and support one another in their mission to spread the gospel.

  6. Global Impact: GMN focuses on expanding the global footprint of the Church of God by establishing new churches and ministries in strategic locations worldwide, with the goal of reaching unreached people groups and regions.

  7. Sustainability and Growth: The network emphasizes the importance of creating sustainable ministries that can continue to grow and multiply over time, ensuring that the impact of the gospel is long-lasting and far-reaching.

These goals reflect the broader mission of the Church of God to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples of all nations and expanding the kingdom of God on earth.


  1. Personal Evangelism

  2. Church Planting

  3. Church Health and Revitalization

  4. Evangelist / Revivalist Ministry

  5. Apologetics

  6. General Evangelism


  1. Spiritual Dynamic

  2. State/Region Collaborative Partnership

  3. Recruiting

  4. Funding

  5. Communications and Marketing

  6. Assessment

  7. Coaching System

  8. Training

  9. Consulting System

  10. Accountability

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